Hello fans of Whalom,
Like us Whalom holds a special place in your heart. You likely shed a tear or felt heartbroken when Whalom Park was shuttered, and precious memories were torn to the ground. Questioned “why a place that brought such joy should be taken away” all in the name of progress. Like us you ask “what could I do” to keep its memory alive.
The answer is simple become a New Whalom Cooperative Member-Owner. Member-Owners are those who wish to be part of the endeavor to resurrect Whalom and bring a high level of entertainment to the region. Member-Owners through cooperative ownership invest in the idea in a community funded business that operates for the community.
What you need
Read and save a copy of the Operating Agreement (PDF format)
Fill out and mail in the Subscription Agreement (PDF format) Along with your payment.
Preferred payment options are check or money order paid to New Whalom Coop, llc. Pay Pal is available
Mailing address
New Whalom Cooperative, LLC
PO Box 592
Leominster, MA 01453-059